Antique Carved Doors Recreated
Sometimes the story behind a door is as interesting as the door itself. In this instance a brother & sister inherited a set of antique double doors carved with sun and moon figures. Both siblings wanted the doors. Rather than break up the set, the brother let the sister have the pair of doors and he brought us photos on his phone to see if we could create a version of the doors for him. Yes, we could, and we did!
In the photo provided, you can see that the original antique panels were set into a frame and surround. Scott thinks the door panels are originally from Guatemala – sun & moon feature frequently in the art of Guatemala. The replica carving was assigned to Julian, who, working from the photographs, created the door to new specifications. The width of the frame was reduced, and the images were slightly enlarged. The end result is clean, with a focus on the carving. The completed doors were set into a surround, which is seen in the opening photo.
But that’s not the end of the story! The following year the brother brought the original antique doors in to have them redone to new specifications. A transom and an antique carved surround were added and the doors refinished for installation in his sister’s home.